Every Step We Take Towards A New Home.
We meticulously assess every point in our creation process for our floors ensuring only the highest standards reach its destination. Because we follow a thorough procedure in our factories, we have total quality control from the start to your home.
Literally from the sourcing of materials, how we develop and design our products to how we carefully produce, pack and deliver to you; Biyork is involved to ensure the highest quality standard goes along every step.
We care deeply about the people who build our floors. So we hold ourselves and our factories to the highest regard to ensure everyone is happy and treated with the utmost respect. We help employees work together and with a shared purpose.
We believe that when people feel proud of their achievements, they create the best results and produce the best products in the industry.
We believe that when people feel proud of their achievements, they create the best results and produce the best products in the industry.
A Definition We Take Seriously.
We know that Partners, Retailers, Consumers place their utmost trust in Biyork; whether it comes from Our Research, Our Manufacturing Process, or Our Service, Quality goes through each and every phase of our thorough process. This is our Promise.